Our mission is to foster a vibrant Christian community for residents so that their faith may continue to grow stronger as real life approaches.

People transitioning into assisted living may be transitioning toward greater physical care but they are often transitioning away from spiritual care.  This care has enabled many residents to develop a vital faith, a sense of peace and real hope for the future.  Without spiritual care, fears and doubts of the future can begin to erode even the strongest faith.

We value knowing Jesus Christ. 

The Bible declares that real living is found only in Jesus Christ.  (John 17:3) Though we all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory, we celebrate that forgiveness and reconciliation are possible because the unbelievable sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf.  Our hope is that God will continue revealing this truth in our lives and to everyone searching for satisfaction, meaning and purpose in life.

We value all people.

Regardless of age, gender, race, economic standing, tradition, cognitive ability and/or any other identifier, we recognize that every person has infinite value in God’s eyes simply because we are His creations and can all reflect His image in some unique way.  (Gen 1:27)  We have all been created by Him, that we might bring Him honor and glory.

We value connection. 

We believe God created us for relationship, first and foremost with Him, but also with other people.  Our hope is to be a catalyst for connecting everyone at Park Place, in spite of our diverse backgrounds, denominational affiliations and/or religious traditions. (Heb. 10:24-25)

We value authentic Christian living. 

Regardless of denominational differences, we believe that true followers of Jesus are called to continually surrender their lives in order to put the needs of others before their own. (Philippians 2)

 We value each day. 

Because God has ordained the times set for us and the exact places we live (Acts 17:26), we strive to use whatever time He gives us to glorify Him as we serve our families and our neighbors.  We await heaven, but are not sitting around waiting for heaven.  Since God has ordained our days here (Ps. 139:16), we trust our faith will continue to grow stronger even as our bodies grow weaker.

Our Values